Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The Attack of the Killer Wal*Mart

From the I'm-not-suprised-to-hear-this-b.s. department

You can't make this shi... er, crap up.
According to this NY Post article (reg required, or use bugmenot to obtain one):
"In the latest move to scare away Wal-Mart, the City Council is on the verge of passing a law that will make ensure that all city grocers and some other companies pay for the health insurance of their employees.

"We believe there are about 12,000 individuals who will end up getting insurance," said the bill's prime sponsor Christine Quinn (D-Manhattan).

She said lawmakers also had their eyes on mega-stores like Wal-Mart, as well as grocers, that don't often provide insurance.

"If we were ever unlucky enough to have a Wal-Mart, they would be required to provide insurance," she said, adding that that however wasn't the genesis of the bill."

Somebody, please cue the scene of Godzilla physically destroying small businesses and setting financial ruin to hundreds of families.

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